Saturday, June 27, 2009

dancing and jumping

i wonder sometimes if phil collins CAN'T DANCE, or just chooses not to.

personally, i choose not to dance publicly. i have the ability to dance.......poorly....but i can move my arms, legs, hips and i'm assuming that means i CAN dance. i just don't.....cause i'd look ridiculous. my cousin tried to get me to dance at her sister's wedding.......i pretended like i was going to and then slipped away when she wasn't looking. is this a problem? SHOULD people dance? i know plenty of people who don't dance. CAN YOU IMAGINE CHRIS DICK DANCING? IT WOULD BE THE SCARIEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER SEEN! CHRIS DICK DOESN'T DANCE. he barely blinks. i enjoy music.......i enjoy occasionally singing along. i don't sing fact, i'm pretty sure i sing terribly........but i do it anyway.......maybe that's what dancing is supposed to be to people......their way of enjoying music through body movement and what have you......i guess i just don't process it that way. i don't feel the jonesin' in my bones to get up and boogie. when i'm at concerts, i want to watch the show......i don't want to get up and slam dance/punch people and whatever the fuck those psychos are doing.

similar to white men can't jump. i'm white. i can jump. i can't jump HIGH........but the physical act of jumping in the air and then landing....i have no problem with that. i can do it any time i want.

i'll do it right now.

so i can't dance.......i can't i an old man? jesus.

