Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ARCHIVE: 7282 minutes and public nudity

Sunday, January 21, 2007

nudity should be brought back into the mainstream. not just for sexual reasons......just because clothes have become way too important. what you wear and how you wear it is the only reason the E network exists..........the tabloids are into nipple slips.......the internet is for fake nude photographs of jessica alba

if we could do away with just a few of these things.......just by everyone getting naked......think of all the time we'd save. no getting dressed in the getting undressed and then RE-DRESSED after getting undressed and into your PAJAMAS at night.......just wake up.....take a shower......put on some shoes (or don't) and go to work. naked.

15 minutes a day getting dressed......

2 getting undressed

1 minute a day unzipping and zipping your fly when you gotta pee/recieve oral.....

5 minutes a week pulling your pants up and down when it's time to shit/recieve oral/do the yumyum bouncy bounce.....

that's 7282 minutes a year wasting time with putting on or taking off clothes......121 hours.......5 days. you spend 5 DAYS A YEAR DEALING WITH CLOTHES! AND THAT'S NOT EVEN COUNTING LAUNDRY OR SHOPPING........IF WE INCLUDED ALL THAT MAINTENANCE, YOU'RE COMPETING WITH SLEEP TIME.......and we could do away with all of it if we just started going naked.

i think it'd help crime too.....suicide as well. there might be a few more rapes at first.......but after a while, everyone would get used to it. AND THINK ABOUT IT, MOST RAPES PROBABLY OCCUR BECAUSE OF THE CURIOSITY AS TO WHAT THAT WOMAN LOOKS LIKE NAKED! IF YOU COULD SEE HOW HER NIPPLES LOOKED, YOU WOULDN'T NEED TO RIP HER SHIRT OFF BY FORCE. i wouldn't be nearly as compelled to make a fool of myself hitting on the girl at the bank if i had already seen her naked. all i really wanted to know is if she shaves or not......or has the little landing strip........or if there's a forest growing.......these are questions that need answers.

dicks would no longer be so taboo. they'd become like noses......some people have big ones.......others small ones........big whoop........and if there's ALOT OF DICKS around, i'm sure mine wouldn't be the smallest one. i'd feel better about myself. more confident. free.

it'd make the world a better place. think about it. mike in '08.

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