Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ARCHIVE: stepping on finches and the joy of dreams

Saturday, November 11, 2006

in my younger days i had some wild dreams.......often times i was the protagonist in some crazy murder plot and in the end i often saved the day.......i had the same dream where i went to my mailbox and when i turned around, my house had dreams were all ridiculous and FAR FETCHED TO SAY THE LEAST......sometimes i had "shining-esque" dreams where one of my friends went MAD, and no matter what......tom potts always managed to die.

so in recent years, i haven't had many dreams that i recall......and the ones i did have weren't much worth discussing........that is, until last night. last night i had a really odd dream. i consulted my mother's dream book......and it offered no help as to what it all means. basically, i'm looking to all of my loyal blog readers to help make sense of it all.

so here's the dream.......

nappier, laura and i drive to springfield missouri to visit my sister and her husband. we arrive at her apartment and get out of the car......with gifts. we knock on the door and jeremy answers and invites us in. michelle's not we present JEREMY with the gift.....10 finches. the finches were in 2 cages.........5 finches per cage. jeremy doesn't really act TOO HAPPY about recieving the finches, but thanks us just the same. so at some point, a finch manages to escape the cage......triggering a WILD, PANICKED REACTION from jeremy in which his first reaction is to run over to the small bird and STOMP ON IT....splattering it all over the apartment and laura, nappier and my clothing.

the 3 of us are disgusted by jeremy's actions and storm out of the apartment, finches in hand and decide we're not going to be around a bird killer......we're driving on the highway home and nappier asks me "mike, are you sure we only had 10 finches?"

i say yes.......we had 10 finches and now we have 9. nappier tells me there are 10 finches in the cage.......i pull the car on to the shoulder and count.....10 finches. that's when i wake up.

....SO, MY FRIENDS.....WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? WHY AM I DREAMING OF MY BROTHER-IN LAW (ehhhhh.....that's the first time i said that, i think........weird.......) STEPPING ON FUCKING FINCHES?!?!?!?!?!? AND EVEN ODDER THAN THAT, WHY DID HE STEP ON THE 10TH FINCH AND ON THE WAY HOME WE HAD 10 FINCHES AGAIN.......WHERE'D THE EXTRA FINCH COME FROM? DID THE MATRIX CHANGE SOMETHING? all in all, i just want to make sense of it all....if there's sense to be made from it.

the dream book says birds are a sign of hope....if a guy that's 6'2'' and weighs 75 pounds STOMPS on the bird and KILLS that an end to hope? .....and then when that bird RETURNS to the cage with the other that like HOPE RESTORED AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND (like the last 30 seconds of every episode of lost......those cliffhanging cocksuckers.....)

i don't think dreams have any meaning.......i think it's just odd things jumbled up to make an interresting bedtime story.....similar to that of a flashback on family guy "OH REALLY? LIKE THAT TIME YOU ATE AN OATMEAL CREAM PIE WITH PAT SAJACK WHILE WATCHING MAMA'S FAMILY RERUNS?"

...but what if there really is something to them? what if the dreams are trying to tell us something? what if it's a distant voice telling me not to get the newlyweds finches for christmas.....or maybe, just maybe.....that's EXACTLY what the voice wants me to get them....stay tuned.

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