Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ARCHIVE: killing yourself and not doing it on a holiday

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

i watched a documentary called "the bridge" about people killing themselves by jumping off the golden gate bridge. in 2004, 24 people jumped to their deaths off the golden gate this guy filmed the golden gate bridge for a year and documented these people killing themselves......then he interviewed their families.

so at the end he lists the people and what day they jumped.......

there were 2 in january, 2 in february, 2 in march, 2 in april.......then 3 in may.....the 6th, the 10th and the 11th.......then there was only 1 each in june and rest easy folks, cause these are obviously the least stressful months.........

3 in august, 2 in september 1 each in october and november then 2 in the december on the 16th and the 29th.

so nobody kills themselves on a holiday....i noticed that.

the MORBID THING ABOUT IT IS, what this film does is make you feel terrible for anticipating the payoff. they FILM THE ENTIRE THOUGHT PROCESS THESE PEOPLE GO THROUGH WHILE CHIMING IN WITH SOUND BYTES OF THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY TALKING ABOUT HOW "normal" they were.......and you just wait and wait as they sit there and think..........

.....then it happens. these people decide to jump to their an instant they're gone.

they said it takes 47 seconds to hit the water. in that 47 seconds do you think they reconsider? do you think at the 25 second mark they think "you know, that girl dumped me........but at least there's guitar hero........and big macs.........and the band styx....and re-runs of everybody loves raymond on tbs.......and mr. pibb (in the midwest) and SARAH BROCKMEYER, FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST! HOW BAD COULD A WORLD BE WITH A SARAH BROCKMEYER IN IT?"

or is that just it?

you'd think the movie would be a real bummer.....but as fucked up as it sounds, it's not. it's uplifting. in it there are people that survived the fall and they talked about the leap helped them realize what a gift life really is........

....not to mention it's always nice to be reminded there are people alot more fucked up in the head than i am.

but really.....i recommend it. it's an interesting documentary on how tragic life can be.

and honestly......sarah's god damn google sarah and HER FUCKING WORK MESSAGES SHOW UP EVERYWHERE! i mean........think of all the bullshit career opportunities out there for you losers who think your life is over. i mean.......MY GOD! LEARN HOW TO BE AN AWESOME WINDOWS MEDIA DEVELOPER......MOVE TO KANSAS CITY WHERE THERE'S PLENTY OF DIRTY WHITE PEOPLE LIKE YOU (and they're all dirty....and they're all the way.......killing yourself is a very white thing to do.) TO GO HAVE DIRTY LITTLE WHITE BABIES WITH SUICIDAL TENDENCIES....(all i wanted was a pepsi....just one pepsi.....) seriously though....don't kill yourself. buy siamese west........check out vegas.......check out the beach....try something different. make a change. if life still sucks and all that nice weather and beach air and good looking chicks in bikinis doesn't cheer you up.......write a song. pansy.

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